Attention all Outreach members and anyone interested in joining outreach. We will have an important meeting this THURSDAY - Feb 7- after school in Room 160. Please attend. Milk and cookies will be served. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs. Holtermann in Room 328 if you have questions. New members are always welcome!
Attention Varsity Club: This is a reminder that we have a meeting today at 2pm. Please plan to attend.
Congratulations to David Cappello for Logging the Most Hours for the Tech Department and winning The $100 Gift card .
Would the following please see Mr. Nobles after school today Tom Connors, Riley Winnert, Zachary Pasatier,Nathan Storray, Dylan Polobello, David Cappello
Girls lacrosse meeting will be Tuesday after school. Varsity meet in gym, JV in room 154 at 2pm.
Congratulations to the wrestling team and the 6 sectional qualifiers who will be competing this coming weekend. Qualifiers were Blake Harlock, Mike Pataky and Matt Wagner, with alternates being Brody Banks, Matt Keane and Lucas Schaffer. Well done wrestlers!
Grab a partner and come test your trivia knowledge on Wednesday, February 6 at 2:00 in room 164. There will be prizes and popcorn! Sponsored by Masterminds and STAP Comm.
It's winter homecoming Spirit Week, Got Olaf? If you find a hidden Olaf in the building today, bring it to room 163 to claim your prize. There are 10 Hidden Olafs.
Attention all Homeroom Reps: Earn credit by staying after school (2-2:45) TODAY (Monday) in the Baker Foyer to window paint for Winter Homecoming. See Mrs. Rominger or Mr. Hafner with any questions.
Attention all students! The February meeting of the student news source The Voice will be held after school Wednesday, February 6, 2019 in room 316. All are welcome. If you are thinking about applying to be an editor next year, please come to the meeting as well. We look forward to seeing you! Any questions, please see Editor in Chief Hunter Lobur Cummins or Mrs. Williams in 316. Thanks.
The OP Pride yearbook photo will be taken in the auditorium promptly at 2 PM on Tuesday, February 5th. If you cannot be there, please let Mrs. See know.
Anyone who took Ceramics 1 or 2 can pick their work up from room 152.
Due to snow days, the deadline for Career Internship Applications has been extended to Friday, February 8 at 2:30pm. Applications should be turned in to House 1.