The Buffalo Chapter of ASM International is sponsoring a free student night on February 28th at the Holiday Inn Airport for students interested in careers in Engineering. Check out the Dates to Remember page of the School Counseling section of the high school website for details.
Volunteers are needed This Coming Friday, March 1 From 6:30-8:30pm at Ellicott Elementary school’s Having Family Fun Night. You are welcome to stay the entire time (5:30pm - 8:30pm) or just attend for an hour or so. We will have certificates to verify your number of volunteer hours. The contact for the event is Marisa Beechler: Email her to say you are coming, or you can just show up at Ellicott Friday evening. See Mrs. Collins in R
Attention all Outreach members. We have an important meeting TODAY- Feb 28- after school in Room 160. Please attend. We'll make signs and prepare for the spaghetti dinner. That's TODAY after school. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 or Mrs. Holtermann in Room 328 if you have questions. New members are always welcome.
Attention Spanish 4 Honors students: Please be sure to turn in your applications for Spanish National Honor Society to Mrs. Agnello in room 324 by the end of the day Friday.
Questions about college applications? Scholarships? Admissions Requirements? Juniors and their families are invited to the Spring College Night on Thursday, March 7th at 630PM in the Commons.