PULSE is holding its next OPEN MIC after school on Tuesday, March 12th in the LMC. Everyone is welcome to come to speak, read, rant, or listen in. See Ms. Perillo in 313 with questions.
Are You Doing Something Awesome This Summer? Let STAP Comm help you pay for it! To find out more about the $250.00 Student Enrichment Scholarship pick up an application outside of room 163. See Mrs. Rominger with questions.
Attention all Freshman Homeroom Reps! There is a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, March 12th at 2pm in Room 356. All must attend.
Attention all Outreach members and any interested students. PLEASE volunteer for our spaghetti dinner on Thurs. March 14th. Sign up on our google classroom, or see Mrs. Holtermann in Room 328 or Mrs. Collins in Room 160 to sign up. Any help between 2pm and 7pm on Thurs March 14 would be great.