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Tuesday November 4th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention ALL students who Drive to school. Students will not be able to park on campus due to the district vote on Tuesday, November 18. Please make arrangements ahead of time. Students who park on campus that day will lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the school year and receive a disciplinary referral.

Varsity Rifle (Sports)

There will be a 2:15 meeting in the cafeteria on Wednesday for any athlete interested in the Varsity Rifle Team. Practice begins on November 10. The shuttle leaves from the Baker Road Entrance at 2:30 PM.

Guidance (Juniors)

The SATs will be offered at the high school on Saturday, November 8th. Please plan to arrive at the Baker entrance at 7:30 am. Don't forget to bring your admission ticket, photo ID, #2 pencils, and calculator. Snacks will be allowed during test breaks-so come prepared! Cell phone use is prohibited at all times during testing. Students without a photo ID or admission ticket will not be admitted. Good luck!

Cross-Country (Sports)

The Varsity Cross-Country Team Competed in the the Sectional Championship this past Friday (Halloween). The Girls took 5th Place in the Section. The Boys took 2nd Place in the Section, which they earned a red section patch. Matt Mercer qualified for the States Meet this Sat in SUNY Canton. Wish Matt Good Luck this Weekend!

Guidance (Seniors)

A representative from Furman University will be in the house 2 office at 11:00 today. A rep from University of Pittsburg/Bradford visits tomorrow.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all students interested in the Mock Trial Team. Please see Mr. Janas in room #127 by the end of the week regarding spots on this years team. We are looking for students who love to debate and argue. Stop by anyday afterschool to find out what Mock Trial is all about.

boys swimming. (Sports)

There will be a meeting for all boys interested in joining the swim team in the pool at 2pm on Wednesday November 5.

Phys. Ed. Dept. (All Students)

Attention all Students: Fitnessgram Physical Fitness Make Up dates are Tuesday November 4th and Wednesday, November 5th after school from 2 unitl 2:30 pm in the gymnasium. See your Phys. Ed. Teacher if you have any questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Members and those interested in joining. We will meet Tuesday November 4th and Wednesday November 5th to watch the movie Schindler's List and begin to prepare for our discussion on the history of discrmination. We will meet in room #127. Please see mr Janas with any questions

Spanish Honor Society and International Club (All Students)

Attention Spanish National Honor Society and International Club Members. The Book of Life Movie will be on Tuesday, November 4th at Quaker Crossing. It starts at 3:45, please be there no later than 3:30. $6.00 is due to Mrs. Z in Room 322 by October 31st with your permission slip.

Boost (Freshmen)

Attention Freshmen! Please bring a non-perishable item to Boost Class. Canned goods, boxes of rice or pasta, cereal, juice boxes are all good choices. Pay your good fortune forward to others who need your help. Please remember to check the expiration date before you donate the food! Thank you!

Athletics (All Students)

Tickets for the varsity football game on Friday at Ralph Wilson Stadium will be available in the Athletic Office from 9 AM to 3 PM. Tickets are $7.

November - 2014

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