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Monday November 10th, 2014

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a recruiter from the Air National Guard in the commons during all lunch periods on Wednesday, November 12th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: This is a reminder that all photos for the yearbook that are to be included on The Way We Were and Senior-Freshmen Sibling pages must be submitted to the Yearbook Mailbox in House 1 by the Friday, November 14th. Additional information can be found on the yearbook website. Any questions? See Mrs. Sall in Room 363 or Mrs. Stady in Room 162 after school only.

Girls Swimming (All Students)

Congratulations to the Girls Swimming and Diving team this past weekend at sectionals. Morgan Wellenzohn won diving with a school-record score of 483.5. Andrea Ernst won the 100 Freestyle. The 200 Free and 400 Free relays won. The big winner of the weekend was Olivia Sapio. She was a member of both relays, won the 500 Freestyle, and set a school record in the 200 Individual Medley, winning in 2:06.67. She won Swimmer of the Meet. Great job ladies! Practice today at 3.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors! The Scott Krueger memorial scholarship is due Monday, November 17th. Applications are available in the House 3 office. See Mrs. Linder with questions.

Model United Nations (All Students)

Congratulations to the OPHS Model UN team on winning the 2014 Canisius Conference. In addition to the team win, the teams of Benjamin Schafer and Emma Saul and Karina Kuchumov and Brandon Brusehaber won Best Delegation in their committees. Hala El Solh, Evelyn Quinlan, Conner Saeli, Tanner Probst, Shaan Legros, Mychaela Lauria, Jacob McCormack, Allie Lane, Kathleen Cooley, Emily Zhang, and Fiona Rath all won Honorable Mention in their committees. Congrats to all!

GSA (All Students)

The next meeting of the Gay-Straight Alliance will take place in room 317 on Wednesday November 12th. All are welcome regardless of sexual preference or gender identification. Hope to see you there.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all students interested in a roster spot for this years New York State Bar Association Mock Trial Team, please attend the next two meetings of Mock Trial on Monday November 10th and Monday November 17th at 2pm in room #127. See Mr. Janas with any questions. We are looking for more students to be lawyers and witnesses in this years state competition. If you like to argue and debate- this is the team for you.

Girls Basketball (All Students)

Attention all female basketball players. Just a reminder that tryouts begin on Monday November 10th at 3:15pm in the gym.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all History Club Officiers. We will have an officiers meeting on Wednesday November 12 at 2pm in room #127. All must attend

Gilrs Swimming (All Students)

Any members of the Girls Swim and Dive Team who are interested in attending the swim banquet neet to pick up a form in Mr. Norv's room, room 227. The deadline for attending is approaching. Don't miss out!

Guidance (Seniors)

A representative from U.B. will be here at 8:30 today. The rep from D'Youville College School of Pharmacy will be here at 9:30. Plan to meet in the house 2 conference room.

Boost (Freshmen)

Attention Freshmen! Please bring a non-perishable item to Boost Class. Canned goods, boxes of rice or pasta, cereal, juice boxes are all good choices. Pay your good fortune forward to others who need your help. Please remember to check the expiration date before you donate the food! Thank you!

Student Activities (All Students)

Attention ALL students who Drive to school. Students will not be able to park on campus due to the district vote next Tuesday, November 18. Please make arrangements ahead of time. Students who park on campus that day will lose their parking privileges for the remainder of the school year and receive a disciplinary referral.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club Members: We will be meeting at Windom this Wednesday, the 12th. The bus will pick you up at the Freeman side at 3:00. See Mr. Behm with questions.

November - 2014

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