Attention all boys who are interested in playing varsity or jv baseball this year. There will be a mandatory meeting in Mr. Senn's room on Thursday February 16th. Also, any player interested in ordering baseball apparel should stop into room 224 for an order form. Orders are due by February 14th.
It's February! Celebrate the most romantic time of the year by falling in love with a new book. Throughout February, the library is sponsoring a blind date with a book. Will it be love at first line? Check one out for a piece of candy and be entered for a prize. See library staff for details.
Attention Varsity Club- We have a very important meeting this Wednesday, February 15th at 2p.m. We will be finalizing field trip, and handing out t-shirts. please be there.
Attention Buddy Club members, we will be meeting this Wednesday, February 15th at Windom. The bus will be available on the Freeman side at 3:00. Please see Mr. Behm if you can not attend.
Attention all Varsity Indoor Track athletes whose season has ended. There will be a uniform turn in today afterschool at 2pm in the Athletics office. Please stop in and return your uniform.
There will be a boys JV lacrosse meeting today in room 154 at 2 pm. See Mr. Biondo for details. There will be a boys Varsity Lacrosse Meeting at 2:45 pm today in the cafeteria.