The UB School of Engineering and National Grid are sponsoring a 4 day engineering workshop July 31st through August 3rd for students entering their sophomore or junior in high school in the fall. The focus of the camp is to introduce talented students to engineering disciplines and to encourage them to enroll in an engineering curriculum. Students must be nominated by their high school. More information is available on the school counseling page of the website. Please see your counselor by
Are you looking for a summer job? Check out the job board in the cafeteria for job postings. New postings are added every day and there are a variety of opportunities available.
(Please type this text at the end of the video, I will send the video to Mr. Kennedy)..."Time to join the Quaker Marching Band! Students interested in joining the color guard should see Mrs. Pritchard for information in room 141 (in the music hallway). All students in grades 9-11 are eligible. No dance or spinning experience is required."
Seniors, are you interested in helping put on the Baccalaureate service this year? What is the baccalaureate? It's a non-denominational service for graduating seniors, run entirely by seniors. This year it happens June 22 at 7pm. Want to know more? Come to a short organizational meeting Tuesday at 2 in Mr Norv's room, room 227. See you next week!
Attention all students. Are you interested in helping out with a science club activity with Windom Buddy club? Science club needs some volunteers on Wednesday May 17th to help Windom students do science activities. Details and a sign up sheet are outside of Room 160. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with questions. This is our last meeting at Windom. A bus will leave the high school gym doors at 2:55pm Wed May 17. You can take a bus home from Windom, or you can get picked up from Windom
Attention all History Club Members. Our next meeting will be our end of year celebration on Wednesday May 17th. We will discuss Current Political Topics and plan our summer activities. The meeting will be at 2pm in room #127. All students are welcome.
Attention Windom Buddy Club members. We will have Buddy Club this Wednesday, May 17th. The bus will be available on the Freeman side of the building at 3:00. See Mr. Behm if you can not attend.
Attention students - if you are interested in going to the Teen Book Festival this Saturday at Nazareth College please get your permission slip to Mrs. DiLucente in the library ASAP.
We'd like to take this time to extend some major congratulations to all involved in this year's production of Into the Woods! On Saturday, the cast, crew, pit, and production staff of Into the Woods represented Orchard Park at the annual Kenny Awards, where high schools in Western New York compete for best overall musical theatre production at Shea's Performing Arts Center. Orchard Park was proud to take home two Kenny awards! Best Orchestra and Outstanding Scenic Design. The