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Wednesday April 11th, 2018

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

The UB School of Engineering and National Grid are sponsoring a 4 day STEM/Engineering camp July 30th through August 2nd for students entering their sophomore or junior in high school in the fall. The focus of the camp is to introduce talented students to STEM and engineering disciplines and to encourage them to enroll in a STEM or engineering curriculum in college. Students must be nominated by their high schools. See your counselor by April 25th if you wish to be considered.

library (All Students)

The library is sponsoring a Battle of the Books. Teams of can sign up to compete in the first round on April 12 and the final round and Pizza party on Thursday April 19th. Stop by the library for more info and to sign up.

AP Exams (All Students)

All students taking AP exams must fill out paperwork at the Pre-Administration session on Thursday April 12. Students free during the day can come to room 164. After school the session will be held in the auditorium. You must bring a sharpened pencil. See Mrs. Goff in room 164 with any questions.

Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members: We will meet at Windom this Wednesday, April 11th. The bus will leave from the Gym doors at 3:00 pm. See Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

Cancer Awareness Club (All Students)

Cancer Awareness Club will have its next meeting on Thursday, April 19th in Room 216 at 2:00. There will be a guest speaker from the PUNT Foundation, and we will be working on a special project for the organization. See Mrs. Quinn or Mrs. Babbles with any questions.

Wood Tech Class (All Students)

To all students who have taken Wood Tech 1st semester of this year Tuesday April 17th after school will be your only opportunity to have your clock tile engraved. Please see Mr. Nobles by Monday April 16th to reserve your spot.

varsity club (Co-Curricular)

Attention Varsity Club: Our next meeting is Monday April 16th. If you are attending the field trip, you must be there. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Gibson.

Yearbook (All Students)

There is NO yearbook meeting today. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 18th. We will be discussing next year's book. New members are welcome to join. Any questions, please see Mrs Stady in room 162 or Mrs. Sall in room 363.

Jr Class (Seniors)

Attention Seniors, registration for Prom is beginning. You will receive sheets in homeroom with more information. You must register on a school computer before May 4th. Any questions? See Mrs. Mapps in room 223 or Mrs. Duszkiewicz in room 219.

April - 2018

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