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Monday April 23rd, 2018

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

The UB School of Engineering and National Grid are sponsoring a 4 day STEM/Engineering camp July 30th through August 2nd for students entering their sophomore or junior in high school in the fall. The focus of the camp is to introduce talented students to STEM and engineering disciplines and to encourage them to enroll in a STEM or engineering curriculum in college. Students must be nominated by their high schools. See your counselor by April 25th if you wish to be considered.

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a recruiter from the Army National Guard in the commons during all lunch periods on Wednesday, April 25th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

STAP Comm (All Students)

Attention all Homeroom Representatives: In order to receive a Certificate of Outstanding Participation you must submit a completed Homeroom Representative Participation Form to your CLASS ADVISOR by Thursday, April 26. Questions? See your Class Advisor, or Mrs. Rominger (163)

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. Ellicott Road Elementary School is looking for high school student volunteers to help at their Science Night. It will be on Thurs. April 26th from 5:30 until 8:00 pm. There is a sign-up sheet outside of Room 160. Please sign up as soon as possible. Students can get service hours for helping out. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 with any questions.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Buddy Club members - This Wednesday, the 25th, we will be staying at the High School to swim. Please make every effort to attend this session. Be at the pool ready to swim at 3:00. See Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

OPEO (All Students)

Attention All Educational Outreach Members: We have a VERY important meeting tomorrow after school in room 328. We will be finalizing our plans for the refugee house will will be setting up on Saturday, April 28th. Please see Mrs. Holtermann or Mrs. Collins with any questions or concerns.

April - 2018

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