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Wednesday October 24th, 2018

Today's cycle is

SAT Regis OP (late) (Other)

Attention Juniors and Seniors: The SAT test will be given at OPHS Sat. Nov.3rd. The deadline for late registration is Oct 24th. You must log on to sat.collegeboard.org to register. See Mrs. Feeley with any questions.

ACT Exam (All Students)

All students taking the ACT Test this Saturday 10/27 should arrive at 7:30am to register with a printed out ticket from ACT and your student ID. Bring sharpened no. 2 pencils and an ACT permitted calculator. See Mrs. Goff in room 164 or visit ACTstudent.org with any questions.

Boys JV and Varsity Basketball (Sports)

Attention all boys interested in playing JV or Varsity Basketball this winter. There will be a mandatory informational meeting this Wednesday, 10/24, immediately after school in Coach Frankowski's classroom, room 264. Please plan on being in attendance and if you cannot make it you must see Coach Frankowski at some point before the meeting.

Pulse (All Students)

Hey poets, story tellers, fiction writers, and artists: PULSE needs you and your talent to help us build this year’s literary magazine. Help us publish the creations of OPHS. Our first meeting will be this Thursday, October 25, after school in 313. Ask Ms. Perillo for more info.

science club (All Students)

All students & staff are invited to attend the next talk in the Science Club Speaker Series. On Thursday October 25 after school in Room 160, Ms. Heather Waldman, a Meteorologist with Channel 2 News in Buffalo will speak. She’ll explain what it takes to be a meteorologist, different meteorology jobs other than TV and a little bit about how meteorologists forecast the weather. Questions are welcome! That’s TOMORROW - Thursday, October 25th -- from 2-2:45 pm in Room 160.

Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Windom Buddy Club members: Wednesday, the 24th is our first session at Windom. The bus will be available at 3:00 at the Gym doors. If you drive, please be at Windom by 3:15. See Mr. Behm if you can not attend.

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - Applications for the Scott Krueger Memorial are now available in the House 1 office. This is a 40,000 dollar scholarship awarded to two Orchard Park Seniors that meet the requirements. Deadline is Wednesday, November 14th by 3:00 to Mrs. Linder in House 3.

Junior Class (Juniors)

Attention Junior Homeroom Reps: There will be a Homeroom Rep meeeting this Wednesday, October 24 after school in Room 223.

varsity club (All Students)

Attention all students: The varsity club is running it's annual high school jacket sale now through the end of October. If you are interested in a jacket, order forms are available for pick up on the table in the P.E. foyer. Help yourself to a handout! If you have any questions about the jackets, please see Mrs. Gibson asap. There is a hard deadline on ordering, and payment. If you have an interest, you should pick your form up as soon as you can. Thank you.

Guidance (All Students)

A representative from Nazareth College will be at the McKinkley Mall Panera on Thursday, October 24th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. Learn about exciting educational programs, unique opportunities, and the admission process. Pre-registration is required for this event. If you wish to attend, please visit Dates to Remember page of the School Counseling Section of the OPHS website.

School Counselors (All Students)

The Prudential Spirit of Community Award recognizes high school students in grades 9-12 who have made meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service. If you’d like to be considered, please visit http://spirit.prudential.com to fill out an application. Applications must be completed by November 6, 2018.

THE VOICE (All Students)

Attention all students! Our next meeting for the Voice, OPHS's online news source, will be THURSDAY, October 25, in room 316 at 2pm. Please see Mrs. Williams with any questions. See you there!

October - 2018

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