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Monday October 29th, 2018

Today's cycle is

guidance (Seniors)

Attention Seniors - Applications for the Scott Krueger Memorial are now available in the House 1 office. This is a 40,000 dollar scholarship awarded to two Orchard Park Seniors that meet the requirements. Deadline is Wednesday, November 14th by 3:00 to Mrs. Linder in House 3.

Guidance (Seniors)

Attention seniors - This is a reminder that OP Pride forms are due in the House 3 office by November 1st. If you have any questions, ask Mrs. See.

Student Wellness (Other)

Attention All TIES Volunteers, there will be a mandatory meeting on Wednesday, October 31st at 2:00pm in the LMC. If you have applied to become a TIES Volunteer you must attend this meeting for your training.

October - 2018

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