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Saturday September 14th, 2019

Today's cycle is

Masterminds (All Students)

Attention all!! OP Masterminds will have their first meeting on Tuesday, September 17th in room 360 at 2 o'clock. There are Varsity and JV teams, so all grades are welcome. Masterminds pits students knowledge against others in a game-show-like format. Subjects range from Music, History, Math, Science to Pop Culture and Sports. If you like Jeopardy or Millionaire, this ACADEMIC team is for you. Hope to see you there.

Art Club (All Students)

If you are interested in joining Art Club - the first meeting will be held in room 152, at 2:00 on Thursday, September 26.

PSAT Coordinator (Sophomores)

Attention Sophomores and Juniors. Registration for the October 19th PSAT at OPHS will take place from Wednesday, September 18th until Friday September 20th and on Tuesday, September 24th in room 329. You may register before school from 7-7:15 and after school from 2-2:20. You must present your current OPHS ID and bring $30 in cash or a check made out to Orchard Park High School. Late registrations will not be accepted. This is the only day the PSAT will be offered at OPHS. See Mrs. Mo

Checkmates Jazz Band (All Students)

If you are interested in joining the OP Checkmates Jazz Band Class - please stop by the Band Room to get an audition packet and to sign up for an audition slot. Please see Mr. Bean with any questions.

Outreach (All Students)

Orchard Park Educational Outreach is the OPHS community service club. We do volunteer projects and activities. Members participate as much or as little as they are able to. The first Outreach Club meeting will be after school on Thurs. September 19 in Room 160. All students are welcome to attend. New members are always welcome. We will introduce the officers, discuss activities for the year, get your input, and have everyone join our google classroom (so bring your chromebook).

Ice hockey (Sports)

All boys interested in playing ice hockey for Orchard Park Club or Fed, there is a meeting on Tuesday September 17th immediately after school in room 214. It should last about 10 to 15 minutes. See Coach Dannecker or Coach Ferrentino with questions

Junior Powder Puff Girls (Juniors)

Junior girls that have signed up for the powder puff game will have their first practice on Monday September 16 from 2-3pm. Please meet at the outside gym doors by 2pm. For signup questions see Mr. Bott, any other concerns see Mr. Abel.

Junior Powder Puff Girls (Juniors)

Junior girls that have signed up for the powder puff game will have their first practice on Monday September 16 from 2-3pm. Please meet at the outside gym doors by 2pm. For signup questions see Mr. Bott, any other concerns see Mr. Abel.

science club (All Students)

Attention all students. The first Science Club meeting will be after school on Wed. Sept. 18. All students are welcome to attend. We will discuss activities for the year, vote for officers, and will have a tower building competition. PRIZES for the tower winners! Come join the fun in Room 160 after school on Wed Sept 18. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 if you have any questions. Anyone interested in science can attend. New members ALWAYS welcome.

X (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Senior portrait retakes will take place on Tuesday, September 17th from 7:25- 3:00pm in the auditorium. Please note the date and time if you are interested or see Mrs. Wasiewicz in the House 1 Office if you have any questions.

Buddy Club (All Students)

Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Sign-ups for Windom Buddy Club have begun. All materials are in the House 1 Office. Please sign up early to ensure your spot. Buddy Club is a great way to get involved and to make a difference in an elementary student's life. See Mr. Behm with questions.

September - 2019

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