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Friday September 27th, 2019

Today's cycle is

Guidance (All Students)

SUNY invites students and their families to attend SUNY Financial Aid Days. These programs are designed to answer questions and provide assistance regarding the financial aid application, types of aid available, and the award process. Available at more than 30 campuses, most locations provide computer access to complete the financial aid application on-site. Buffalo State will host this workshop on Saturday, November 9th. Register by visiting suny.edu/studentevents.

Guidance (Seniors)

This is a reminder that seniors need to submit their application for OP Pride through high school counseling page on the opschools.org website by November 1st. Please see Mrs. See in house 3 if you have any questions.

Model UN (All Students)

The next meeting for Model UN will be after school on Friday, September 27th in room 255. We will go over parliamentary procedure. New members are welcome!

Guidance (All Students)

The following colleges will be visiting the high school on Monday, September 30th: SUNY Geneseo at 8:30am and Williams College at 1:30pm. All college visits will take place in the House 2 conference room. Please make sure to get a signed pass from your teacher of the class you will be missing.

Student wellness (All Students)

Attention Members of the student wellness and role model club. If you are interested in helping hand out prizes at the carnival, please meet up at the student wellness table in the athletic field parking lot on Saturday morning about 10:15. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. wolf in House 2.

September - 2019

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