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Wednesday October 7th, 2015

Today's cycle is

Fed Hockey (All Students)

Attention all ice hockey players-- There will be a mandatory meeting for all players interested in playing varsity ice hockey in room 214 on Wednesday October 7th at 2pm. See Coach Ferrentino if you have any concerns.

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a DePaul University Information Session held at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo on Thursday, October 8th at 7:00pm. Interested students should attend.

Girls Varsity GYmnastics (Sports)

The GIrl's Varsity GYmnastics team came away with a first place win yesterday against Lancaster and Kenmore. Their next meet is Friday October 9th at 5:00 at Hamburg Middle SChool. Please come out to support the girls or congratulate them on their win as you see them in the halls today :}

Girls Swimming (All Students)

Last night your Mighty Quakers Girls Swimming and Diving team took on rival Williamsville East and beat them 114 to 63 to remain unbeaten in league swimming. The next meet is this Friday at home against Lancaster. Don't miss next week Tuesday when the Quakers take on Clarence at home in a showdown of the unbeatens! Winner take all. See you at the pool!

Senior Class (Seniors)

Attention Seniors, there is a homeroom rep meeting today in room 361 at 2 p.m. We will be discussing upcoming events for our class. See Mrs. Chopra or Mrs. Connors with any questions.

Bowling (All Students)

Attention anyone interested in trying out for the bowling team. There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, October 15th at 2pm in room 154. See Mr. Biondo if you have questions or if you cannot attend the meeting.

Open Campus (Seniors)

Attention seniors who still need to complete service hours for open campus. Please check the Job board in the cafeteria for available events. Right now Windom Elementary is looking for a number of seniors to help out with their Halloween event on the 30th. Mr. Biondo will allow this event only to count towards the first quarter hours even though its passed the October deadline.

Athletics (All Students)

Please visit the Athletics Page of the district website for information on the upcoming Winter sports season. If you are in need of a physical, the district doctor will be available on Friday, Oct 16th from 2:00pm-2:30pm in the Health Office. If you are unsure if your physical is up to date, please stop by the Health Office.

Art Club (All Students)

Art club will meet at 2:00 this Wednesday in room 152.

English Department (Seniors)

SENIORS, If you had Ms. Perillo for English 11 last year, please stop by Room 313 to get your writing folder.

buddy club (All Students)

Attention Windom Buddy Club Members: There will be a mandatory training session after school this Thursday, October 8th at 2:00 in the back classroom of the media center. Please make every effort to attend. Also, be sure to have your application, permission form, and recommendation form into House 1 prior to the meeting. See Mr. Behm with questions.

Girls Basketball (All Students)

Attention ALL Girls Interested in playing for the JV or Varsity Basketball Teams this year. There will be an informational meeting on Wednesday October 7th at 2pm in room #127. This meeting is important to attend in order to have all paperwork required to tryout for the Girls Basketball Teams in November. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.

Yearbook (Co-Curricular)

Attention Yearbook Staff or any students still interested in joining yearbook: There is a meeting today at 2pm in Room 162. Please be prompt.

Yearbook (Seniors)

Attention Seniors: Senior Quotes and Senior "I Wills" must be submitted online by this Friday, October 9th. Instructions for online submission are available at the yearbook website. If you have any questions regarding submission or to ask if your quote is appropriate, please see Mrs. Sall (Room 363) or Mrs. Stady (Room 162) after school.

Guidance (All Students)

There will be a representative from the Marines in the commons during all lunch periods on Tuesday, October 13th. You can talk to him during your lunch period if you are interested and you can see your counselor if you have any questions.

Guidance (All Students)

The OPHS Fall College Night will take place on Thursday, October 8th. The evening will start off with a mini college fair in the cafeteria at 6:30. Workshops conducted by local college representatives will begin at 7:00pm. All students on the path to college are encouraged to attend. Please park on the Freeman side of building.

Guidance (Seniors)

A representative of SUNY Canton will be in the house 2 conference room at 11:45 today. Representatives of Alfred University and the University of Dayton will be here tomorrow.

OP Impact (All Students)

OP Impact will hold their first meeting today in Mr. Dena's room, room 230. Come check us out and see how you can have an IMPACT.

October - 2015

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