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Saturday September 12th, 2015

Today's cycle is

pep club (All Students)

Powder puff tickets are on sale NOW. You can buy tickets before and after school in the book store, during select lunch periods or in the Aud when homecoming tickets are sold. Cost is $5 . Bring in 2 can goods for $2 off. The discount is good up until Thursday 9/17.

Guidance (All Students)

Attention 10th and 11th graders.... The PSAT is quickly approaching. You can sign up for the test beginning on Friday, September 11th through Wednesday, September 16th in room 252 before and after school. Bring a valid school ID and $30 cash or check. Please see Mrs. Feeley if you have any questions.

Guidance (All Students)

There will be Notre Dame University Information Session at Nardin Academy on Monday, September 14th at 7pm. Go the the guidance page of the website to register. Students interested in applying to Notre Dame are encouraged to attend.

science club (All Students)

Science Club will hold a very brief meeting on Monday September 14th in Room 160 immediately after school. This meeting is for last year's members only. We will select officers and decide priorities for the year and plan a first meeting for new members. See Mrs. Collins in Room 160 if you have any questions.

History Club (All Students)

Attention all students interested in History, Current Events and Debate. The Orchard Park History Club will hold its first meeting on Thursday September 17th at 2pm in room #127. We will begin to put together of agenda for the year which will include trips to historical sites. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.

Mock Trial (All Students)

Attention all students interested in law and debate. The Orchard Park Mock Trial Team will hold its first meeting on Wednesday September 16th at 2pm in room #127. All students are welcome to come learn about the Mock Trial program and team competitions. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.

Science Club (All Students)

Ecology Club will hold an organizational meeting to select officers and decide priorities for the year. Up coming opportunities include a field trip to study the Buffalo River, action to preserve wildlife in Green Lake, and preparations for the Envirothon competition. Anyone with interest in environmental science, sustainability, nature study, or wildlife is invited to the Ecology club meeting Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 2 PM in Mr. VanDerwater's room 165.

varsity club (Sports)

Attention all Varsity athletes: Varsity Club is back. If you are interested in becoming a member, plan to attend an informational meeting on Tuesday September 15th. The meeting will be at 2p.m. in room 224. Please be prompt. Hope to see you there!

Senior Class (All Students)

Homecoming tickets are on sale today through Wednesday in the auditorium after school for $15. Be sure to have your student ID and an emergency contact number. See you there!

ACT/AP Coordinator (Guidance)

There will be an ACT exam given at OPHS on October 24, 2015. The no-fee deadline for registering for this exam is on September 18, 2015. Registration is on-line at www.actstudent.org

OPHS Varsity Golf Team (All Students)

Congratulations to our Varsity Golf Team who defeated the Frontier Falcons yesterday at Orchard Park Country Club. The Quakers current ECIC regular season win streak is now 25-0. Alex Prise medalled shooting even par 36. Other standouts were Grant Merkel, shooting a 37; Jack Devic - 38; and Zach Stebbins, 39. There are two homecoming-week matches for the golf team next Wednesday and Thursday.

September - 2015

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