Hey OPHS. The first meeting of the Gay-Straight Alliance will be held on Wednesday September 23 in room 353. This is a club that promotes understanding and acceptance of all people. This is not just a club for gay kids or students trying to figure out their gender identity; this is a club for people who are willing to stand up for a minority and create lasting friendships as we all share our stories and discuss issues that are relevant to our society today. We hope to see you there.
Attention all students! Interested in joining the yearbook club? Come to an informational meeting on Wednesday, September 23rd at 2pm in Room 162. Any questions? See Mrs. Stady in Room 162 or Mrs. Sall in Room 363.
Attention all students interested in law and debate. The Mock Trial Team will hold its next meeting on Wednesday September 30th at 2pm in room #127. If you did not attend the first meeting there is still time to join. Please see Mr. Janas with any questions.
Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Sign-ups for Windom Buddy Club have begun. All materials are in the House 1 Office. Please sign up early to ensure your spot. Buddy Club is a great way to get invloved and to make a difference in an elementary student's life. See Mr. Behm with questions.